Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Job Hunting in Manila

It not uncommon for someone from the province to move to Manila in search for better opportunities. I have my youngest brother as well as some of my friends and classmates relocate to Manila to join the crazy rat race.

If you  are one of those people who have dreams of making it here in the big city, here are some things you have to consider:

1. You can start your job hunt online. Make sure you indicate in your cover letter that you would be going to Manila on a specific date so recruiters can coordinate with you regarding your interview appointment.

2. Get at least 3 job appointments before traveling to Manila so you would not waste your time and travel money (plane fare is not exactly cheap). Companies do not usually offer to cover your travel costs just to process your application.

3. Bring all copies of your important documents with you such as TOR, COEs, Birth Certificates, IDs , etc. so you won't have to call up your parents to deliver it to you in case your potential employer asks for it.

4. It is advisable for you to stay first with a relative or a transient place while job hunting. That way, whatever company you can find, you can always adjust your location.

5. You can initially put the Manila address in your resume instead of your provincial address. Some recruiters are a hesitant to contact applicants with provincial addresses due to availability issues.

6. If you are scheduled for an appointment, ask from friends, relatives and even the recruiter for the location and direction of their office. ALWAYS BE EARLY IN TRAVELING. Manila has heavy traffic and unsavory taxi drivers who will tour you in circles before going to the intended destination.

7. Know the particular rates of the job you are applying so you would not overestimate or underestimate your salary expectations. What may be reasonable salary rate in the province may not be enough in Manila due to cost of living.

These are just general guidelines. Having a friend or a relative in Manila can be a valuable asset in job hunting as they would try to refer you to their contacts but keep in mind that your success is entirely up to you.

Best of luck!

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