Monday, July 18, 2011

A Procrastinator's Guide to Cramming

After reading countless self-help books and listening to a couple of sermons from your teacher, mother and perhaps your inner righteous self (this occurs often if you are the introvert type) ,you still procrastinate. This behaviour becomes a problem when you find yourself cramming for an assignment, exam or a project(if you have already graduated).

I admit I'm not an expert on everything, but what I tell you is based from my experience. Feel free to add yours:

1.) For an exam, my Psych professor once told me that your mood affects your memory. Let me elaborate: if you study happy, you would more likely remember more what you have learned/crammed if you take the test happy. But of course this one has limitations, such as if you study drunk , I'd say good luck if they even let you in school.

2.) Another advice when taking the test is that the first answer that comes to your mind, is usually the correct one.

3.) If you have trouble keeping awake late at night and espresso has the effect of water to you, try this concoction: Put an energy drink in the freezer for a couple of hours . Then open the bottle and down it in one drink. (Tell me how it turned out if you happen to try this one)

4.) Murphy's Law will always occur when you are cramming. It's a given. So if you happen to be typing a paper, always remember to SAVE!! Just keep saving or typing CTRL+S every once in a while. Every after one paragraph or every other bright idea that you have typed. Because when you're typing, your stupid brother might trip over the wire or a sudden blackout might occur. Fate is just damned creative with this.

5.)Can't think of topic? or having a writer's block when making that essay that is due for gasp! tomorrow? There is a saying: Write in white heat and edit in cold blood. Translation: Force yourself to stick to one topic and write anything that pertains to it. Don't look back and don't even bother to erase. After you have finished your draft. Leave it after a few hours or an hour if you haven't got the time, look over it again and edit.

6.)If it's a project(such as a 3-week project shortened to 1 night), one must delegate!! Any task will be finished earlier if you assign task to people you can depend...or really simple work to people you're not sure you can depend. There is your family, your really close friends or even your boyfried/girlfriend.

7.) And if your boss is panicking, because he/she wants those last changes to be implemented to your work, do not be a kiss-ass and also panic. Try to relax or pretend to be relaxed(do not of course overboard on this because your boss might think that you don't give a flying f*ck about your job and you will ultimately find yourself looking for a new one) because you want to show her/him that you can be calm under pressure *snicker*. If Murphy's Law is working it's magic, and the printer/computer/(insert office equipment) broke down, assign the all the believable blame to that inanimate object.You will soon have a new printer/computer/(insert office equipment).

So far these are the advice that I can give you. You can use it in your moment of cramming, when you're still kicking yourself and promise to *not* procrastinate next time.

Like we haven't heard that one before.

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