Thursday, July 7, 2011

Religious Conversations

For quite some time, there have been numerous comments and bombardments of anti-Muslim sentiments in news and other media.

People generalize and brand Muslim as terrorist, without thinking that some Christian/Catholic brothers also engage in subversive acts of violence.

I remember my high school days in Davao. Attending Jesuit masses are optional for non-Catholics , so I always bring up my 'Protestant' card just to excuse myself if I don't feel like attending the event. During those times I hang out in the canteen with other non-Catholics, doing nothing but chatting and eating snacks.

Blame it on boredom and extra time, I end up engaging a religious discussion with my friend who happens to be a Muslim.

So you can imagine how it goes: Here I am a Protestant who believes Jesus is God and the way to heaven.Catholics are more into intercession with Mary prior to Jesus, whilst my friend thinks that Jesus is merely a prophet.

I'm sorry to say to my spiritual coach that I am not winning on debates due to lack of studying the Bible but that does not make me less faithful on my religion.

We were just 13 yr old students discussing religion yet we were not taking it personally. So it was just confusing then that adults fight violently about it.

I believe then and until now that all religions love good and detest evil. The problem lies on people who determine what is 'good' and what is 'evil'.

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