Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why are you Filipinos ashamed of your weddings?

Pagkahaba-haba man daw ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy.

My foreigner boss asked me that when one of the employees wanted to file his nuptial leave but insisted that we keep it a secret to other co-workers.

"Budget." , I told him.

I explained that it's not because we are ashamed of being married just the fact that the more people know about the event the more people who will expect to be invited. Having a lot of guests would strain the purse strings of whoever was shelling out for the wedding. Culture-wise, we are a people who wants to avoid disappointing people especially to our friends and acquaintances. Sometimes, however on this habit, we end up borrowing and spending more than we can afford.

Probably in his culture, they have it easier saying 'no'.

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